Grameenphone Bangladesh achieves 2x their subscriber loan recovery rate with Seamless
From Onboarding to insights, Unified ERS created a streamlined process for Grameenphone through various functions. Unified ERS brought flexibility to their S&D hierarchy, eliminated transaction restrictions based on region, introduced advanced commissioning models, and added value-driven features like Build Your Own Bundle (BYOB), voucher digitalisation through on-demand vouchers, and a built-in campaign module.
Industry & Location
Grameenphone faced multiple challenges before their partnership with Seamless.
- Lack of a cloud native system which meant a hardware hungry platform
- Monolith architecture which meant difficulty in change requests, higher downtime of systems and high costs owing to the dated architecture of their platform and due to non-standard business processes.
The Solution
Seamless introduced its flagship ERS 360° to overcome Grameenphone’s challenges. Our platform provided a complete range of solutions, from electronic recharge to value-added services, with versatile channels and world-class support.
A remarkable rate of recovery for subscriber loans – which more than doubled since the deployment of Seamless solutions.
Our platform, with region based reporting, also empowered the decision-making process for Grameenphone by leveraging the insights from detailed transactional data. While the ‘Be your own boss’ feature enabled more individuals to take the lead and reduced costs for the operator.
Value Delivered:
From Onboarding to insights, Unified ERS created a streamlined process for Grameenphone through various functions. Built on an open-source tech, it was not only cost-effective but also customisable. Unified ERS brought flexibility to their S&D hierarchy, eliminated transaction restrictions based on region, introduced advanced commissioning models, and added value-driven features like Build Your Own Bundle (BYOB), voucher digitalisation through on-demand vouchers, and a built-in campaign module.
Our platform, with region based reporting, also empowered the decision-making process for Grameenphone by leveraging the insights from detailed transactional data. While the ‘Be your own boss’ feature enabled more individuals to take the lead and reduced costs for the operator.
Seamless’s intervention ushered in a transformative era for Grameenphone, in the form of tangible results and value across various facets of their operations. Seamless helped recover loans from subscribers, doubling the recovery rate compared to the previous platform. Grameenphone also leveraged Seamless expertise for new integrations, business logic enhancements, and planned digitization of physical voucher distribution.
In terms of architecture, Seamless initiated a paradigm shift from the previous database-driven SOA architecture to a modern, Microservices-based framework. This architectural evolution not only addressed hardware problems but also ensured compatibility with cloud deployments. The result was a more streamlined and efficient operational environment, reducing downtime during restarts and easing the implementation of change requests.
Future Outlook:
With Seamless Transaction Switch platform and the upcoming ERS 5.0 rollout, Grameenphone anticipates continuous technological advancement, faster transactions, and a broader service spectrum at the point of sale. The partnership with Seamless positions Grameenphone for sustained growth, operational efficiency, and customer-centric services in the dynamic telecom landscape.