Given that the telecom industry capitalizes on the exchange of data and information, telcos have a wealth of data at their disposal that can be used. With the right business…
Sania AmirJune 3, 2021
In light of the increasing demands of the end customers and the transaction volume, it is of utmost importance for companies operating in the telecom sector to have fast, reliable,…
Sania AmirApril 12, 2021
Traditionally, the process of KYC (Know Your Customer) is not only time-consuming but also heavy on the pocket of telecom operators, making it highly inefficient. However, this cumbersome process can…
Sania AmirMarch 22, 2021
An omni-channel user experience is largely about meeting the customers at eye-level and accompanying them in real-time at all touch points. In today’s technology driven era, a well-connected business approach…
Mahwish IlyasFebruary 19, 2018
Given the rate at which mobile connectivity is growing, it seems only natural that the way business is done will change. But how will Telco’s embrace this change and are…
Mahwish IlyasNovember 7, 2017
It’s an established truth especially within developer circles that the elasticity of code is strengthened by agility and the diversity of minds behind it. Nothing promises true diversity within an…
Sania AmirOctober 6, 2017
Due to a rapid increase in mobile penetration and the roll-out of heterogeneous technologies in a multi-vendor managed environment, service providers are constantly on the lookout to achieve operational…
Sania AmirSeptember 27, 2017
The telecommunications industry continues to undergo substantial changes due to technological advances. As the end of the decade approaches, 2020 has already presented new challenges as well as vast opportunities…
Sania AmirFebruary 17, 2017